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Children’s Classroom Transition Policy:

January 2024


At Little Crickets Day Care, we feel the best approach to ensuring that we can cater for each child’s
individual needs is to monitor and support their progress. We provide children with a gradual and smooth
transition from one class to another, in line with their development.

We ensure that each transition occurs at the right time for that child. We assess this through observations
in both the prime and specific areas of the curriculum:

Prime areas:
Communication and language
Physical development
Personal Social and Emotional Development

Specific Areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

Specific Areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design

The ages of children within rooms:


  • Babies- 3 months to 12 months

  • Toddlers: 24 months to 34 months (2- 3 year old’s)

  • Pre-school: 35 to 59 months (3-5 year old’s)

Although we take age into consideration when moving children to their new rooms, we also consider the
following factors:

 The child’s interaction skills
 Ability to carry out and participate in an activity
 Ability to follow instructions
 Communication
 Attentiveness
 Emotional and well-being
 level of independence

Therefore, the ages below are only guidelines

From babies to toddlers- usually start settling in at 22 months
From toddlers to pre-school- usually start settling in around 30-34 months

Children may be moved up early when they are deemed advanced for their age. Children may be able to
operate at a higher level than their peers according to the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. For
example, a child based in the baby room that is 20 months old who is operating at a same level as a 26
month old will be moved to the toddler room early to ensure that we are able to continue to support their
development. We feel that it is vital to move each child up at the correct time according to their individual
development. Children who are left in a group with peers who are operating at a lower age can often
become under stimulated, display signs of boredom and often change in behaviour.

Parents/ Carers:

Parents/ carers will always be informed in advance by the key worker when we feel the child is ready to
move up to the next classroom.
Children will gradually be eased into their new room by getting to know the new key workers and children
beforehand. They will also be paired with a new classroom buddy. It is important to remember that each
key worker monitors their key children to ensure that every step is taken into consideration to move them
at exactly the right time in line with their development.

Settling in:

We ensure that each child’s transition is easy and comfortable by ensuring a gradual transition from one
class to another.

1. Settling in begins once a practitioner has met with the parent/ carers to inform them of their child’s
readiness to move up. Shortly afterwards, a letter will be given to the parent and carer informing
them of the date the child will be settling. The child’s current key worker will also introduce the
parent/ carer to the child’s new key worker, giving the parent the opportunity to meet with them
and ask any questions. It is also an opportunity to find out about the routine and structure in the new
2. The old key worker will write a handover for the new key worker of crucial information that will need
to be passed on, they will also discuss the level the child is currently at and possible next step targets
3. Settling in is very gradual and will begin for one hour (orless dependent on how well the child settles).
Each day the time spent within the new classroom will increase slightly until the child has spent the
entire day in the room
4. Parents/ carers will be given a settling in report and daily feedback informing them of how their child
is adjusting to their new classroom. Once the child is completely settled, they will be permanently
based in their new classroom until ready to move up once more or to move to their new primary


Parents and carers are always welcome to discuss any concerns with their child’s key worker or the nursery
manager, Meliz Kileci, who will be more than happy to work in partnership with parents/carers to offer
support and guidance.


This policy will be reviewed annually by the Day Care Manager.

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