the sky is not a limit ....
if there are footprints on the moon

Ants Room:
3 months – 16/18 months
Babies enjoy a range of tactile activities including flour play, rice play and gloop. The babies have sensory play daily with lights, wind chimes where they can relax or be stimulated using their senses. Babies have access to a wide range of toys appropriate to their age and development. The babies in this room can rest and sleep comfortably in cots in a quiet adjoining room.

Babies are offered fresh pureed
fruit and vegetables whilst weaning and gradually the staff introduce carbohydrates and proteins following instructions from parents.
Children have access to drinking water through-out the day as and when they require it.
The staff within the baby room focus on the children’s Personal, Social and Emotional development, they focus on a home away from home sense of feeling and concentrate on the children feeling secure and happy while in our care. They are focused much more on our Key Person approach this is beneficial for both children and parents
Mealtimes are taken in the playroom with chairs around small round tables, where babies are facing each other and can interact socially. Parents are asked to provide formula milk, nappies and wipes for their children.
With permission from parents, babies are taken for walks using buggies around the grounds

Bumblebees Room (Toddlers):
16/18 months - 36 months
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Making Relationships
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
Managing feelings and Behaviour
Toddlers use a range of toys appropriate to their age and participate daily in adult led activities such as painting, sticking, cooking, flour play, rice play and gloop. The toddlers in this room can also rest and sleep comfortably in cots.
With permission from parents, the toddlers are taken for walks using buggies and reins. The children will go out at least once a day if not twice.

Mealtimes are taken in the playroom with chairs around small round tables, where toddlers can face other and begin to communicate with their peers.
Children have access to drinking water through-out the day as and when they require it.
The staff within the room will focus their planning around the Prime areas of learning taken for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Max no of children: 35
Ratio: 1:3 (under 2y old))
Ratio: 1:5 (over 2y old)

Physical Development
Moving and Handling
Health and Self-Care
Communication and Language
Listening and Attention

Dragonflies Room:

Mealtimes are taken in the
playroom with small chairs around small round tables, where the Pre-School children are encouraged to serve themselves and take their plate and scrape it when they are finished. They have access to drinking water through-out the day as and when they require it.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Making Relationships
Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness
Managing feelings and Behaviour
Communication and Language
Listening and Attention
Physical Development
Moving and Handling
Health and Self-Care
The pre-school children benefit from their own cloak area where they can hang their belongings, use the toilets and wash their hands.
Pre-school children can access a huge range of activities and toys which are laid out in the seven development areas; these are both the Prime and Specific areas of learning taken from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Max no of children: 35
Ratio: 1:3 (under 2y old))
Ratio: 1:5 (over 2y old)

Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring and using Media and Materials
Being Imaginative
Understanding the World
People and Communities
The World and Technology
Shape, Space and Measure