January 2024
The manager has overall responsibility for the fire drill and evacuation procedures. These are carried out
and recorded termly. These drills will occur at different times of the day and on different days to ensure
evacuations are possible under different circumstances and all children and staff participate in the
An accurate record of all staff and children present in the building must be kept at all times and
children/staff must be marked in and out on arrival and departure. An accurate record of visitors must
be kept in the visitor’s book. These records must be taken out along with the register and emergency
contacts list in the event of a fire.
No smoking policy
The nursery operates a strict no smoking policy – please see this separate policy for details.
Fire drill procedure
On discovering a fire:
• Calmly raise the alarm by pressing the fire alarm button on one of the red alarm boxes on the wall
at a Fire Exit.
• Immediately evacuate the building under guidance from the manager on duty
• Room leaders are to gather up the children’s registers
• Room leaders are to follow ensuring there is no-one left inside their room
• Using the nearest accessible exit lead the children out to the assembly point through the main
door, garden gates and out to the Parking area.
• Close all doors behind you wherever possible
• Babies and Toddlers are to use the evacuation trolleys provided to exit the building with the
• If it is dark and staff vision is impaired then the emergency lighting will show you where the fire
exits are.
• For staff or children that have a hearing impairment a red flag is to be waved to alert them of a
• Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building
• Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire
• Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for.
The manager is to:
• Pick up the staff register, mobile phone, keys, visitor book
• Telephone emergency services: dial 999 and ask for the fire service
• In the fire assembly point area – The Car park Area, check the children against the register
• Account for all adults - staff and visitors
• Advise the fire services of anyone missing and possible locations and respond to any other
questions they may have.
• Do not stop to collect personal belongings on evacuating the building
• Do not attempt to go back in and fight the fire
• Do not attempt to go back in if any children or adults are not accounted for.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Day Care Manager