January 2024
If a child requires medicine we will obtain information about the child’s needs for this, and will ensure
this information is kept up-to-date. All consent forms will be stored in the medication folder.
When dealing with medication of any kind in the nursery, strict guidelines will be followed.
Prescription medication
Prescription medicine will only be given to the person named on the bottle for the dosage stated
Medicines must be in their original containers
Those with parental responsibility of any child requiring prescription medication should allow a senior member of staff and or a room leader to have sight of the bottle. The staff member should note the details of the administration on the appropriate form and another member of staff should check these details
Those with parental responsibility must give prior written permission for the administration
of each medication. However, we will accept written permission once for a whole course of
medication or for the ongoing use of a medication under the following circumstances:
1. The written permission is only acceptable for that brand name of medication and
cannot be used for similar types of medication, e.g. if the course of antibiotics changes, a
new form will need to be completed
2. The dosage on the written permission is the only dosage that will be administered.
We will not give a different dose unless a new form is completed
3. Parents should notify us IMMEDIATELY if the child’s circumstances change, e.g. a dose
has been given at home, or a change in strength/dose needs to be given.
The nursery will not administer a dosage that exceeds the recommended dose on the
instructions unless accompanied by a doctor’s letter
The parent must be asked when the child had last been given the medication before coming
to nursery; this information will be recorded on the daily medication update form for parents.
Keep one copy in the medication folder and the other copy is given to the parent/carer.
At the time of administering the medicine, a senior member of staff will ask the child to take
the medicine, or administer it in a manner acceptable to the child at the prescribed time and
in the prescribed form. (It is important to note that staff working with children are not legally
obliged to administer medication)
If the child refuses to take the appropriate medication then a note will be made on the form
Where medication is “essential” or may have side effects, discussion with the parent will take
place to establish the appropriate response
Non-prescription medication
The senior member of staff will administer prescription medication for a short initial period,
dependant on the medication or the condition of the child. After this time medical attention
should be sought
If the nursery feels the child would benefit from medical attention rather than non-
prescription medication, we reserve the right to refuse nursery care until the child is seen by
a medical practitioner
An emergency nursery supply of fever relief (e.g. Calpol) and anti-histamines (e.g. Piriton) will
be stored on site. Aspirin will not be accepted unless prescribed by a doctor
If a child does require liquid paracetamol during the day and the parents cannot be contacted
then the nursery manager/deputy will take the decision as to whether the child is safe to have
this medication provided here is written permission and based on the time the child has been
in the nursery, the circumstances surrounding the need for this medication and the medical
history of the child on their registration form. Giving liquid paracetamol will be a last resort
and the nursery staff will use other methods first to try and reduce a child’s temperature, e.g.
remove clothing. The child will be closely monitored until the parents collect the child
For any non-prescription cream for skin conditions e.g. Sudocrem, prior written permission
must be obtained from the parent and the onus is on the parent to provide the cream which
should be clearly labelled with the child’s name
If any child is brought to the nursery in a condition in which he/she may require medication
sometime during the day, the manager/deputy will decide if the child is fit to be left at the
nursery. If the child is staying, the parent must be asked if any kind of medication has already
been given, at what time and in what dosage and this must be stated on the medication form
As with any kind of medication, staff will ensure that the parent is informed of any non-
prescription medicines given to the child whilst at the nursery, together with the times and
dosage given
The nursery DOES NOT administer any medication unless prior written consent is given for
each medicine
In the case of medication that may need to be given to a child due to them becoming ill during
the day, e.g. liquid paracetamol for temperature reduction, parents will be contacted as soon
as possible to ensure all details are correct and that they agree with the dosage being given.
Injections, pessaries, suppositories
As the administration of injections, pessaries and suppositories represents intrusive nursing, they
should not be administered by any member of staff unless appropriate medical training is given to
each member of staff caring for this child. This training would be specific for each child and not generic.
If this causes a problem in providing appropriate care of a child, please consult Ofsted and Social
The administration of an epi-pen will only be given if deemed necessary in the case of a severe allergic
reaction in the case of an emergency. Staff administering the epi-pen will be appropriately trained
according to administration. Epi-Pens will only be administrated with prior consent and discussion
with parents according to the child’s needs.
Staff medication
The first aid box for staff should be kept in a readily accessible position, but out of reach of the children.
First aid boxes should only contain items permitted by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations Act 1981, such as sterile dressing, bandages, and eye pads. No other medical items, such as paracetamol should be kept in the first aid box.
All medication for children must have the child’s name clearly written on the original container and kept
in a closed box, which is out of reach of all children and under supervision at all times.
Emergency medication, such as inhalers and epi-pens, will be within easy reach of staff in case of an
immediate need, but will remain out of children’s reach and under supervision at all times.
Any antibiotics requiring refrigeration must be kept in an area inaccessible to children.
All medications must be in their original containers, legible and not tampered with or they will not be
given. All prescription medications should have the pharmacist’s details and notes attached to show the
dosage needed and the date the prescription was issued. This will all be checked, along with expiry dates,
before staff agree to administer medication.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the Day Care Manager.